2pm August 6th 2022 OPEN MEETING-
Sydney Town Hall, Gadigal Country

2pm August 13th 2022 INFO SESSION
Black Spark Cultural Centre, Wurundjeri Country

12pm August 14th 2022 CRAFT TACTICS
Black Spark Cultural Centre, Wurundjeri Country

12-3pm September 2 2022 BANNER MAKING
Catalyst Social Centre, 146 Sydney Road, Coburg

2-5pm September 4 2022 TACTIC CRAFT
Catalyst Social Centre, 146 Sydney Road, Coburg

2-5pm September 10 2022 PUBLIC MEETING
Jagera Hall, Musgrave Park, Brisbane
Past Actions – Disrupt Land Forces 2021

24 hour vigil at Peace Square
South Bank railway station, Brisbane

8:00am Climate actions – All day
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

5:00pm Dinner of Death
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Join us for a Singing blockade of the war profiteers!
Gather 7.30am at Jagera Hall for 8:00 at Brisbane Convention Centre
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

12:00pm Smash Patriarchy & Taste the Rainbow
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

4:00pm Shut Down Land Forces Closing night protest
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
Events – Disrupt Land Forces 2021

Solidarity with Latin America
Solidarity activists with Latin America are getting together to denounce militarism and violence against our communities.
Sun May 30th 12pm
15 George St, Brisbane

Researching Aus Weapons
Understanding the defence ecosystem in Australia: How do weapons get made here? How are they imported? What software tools can you use to discover defense spending in your area? What is a Prime? How do I pull an ASIC record? How do these companies launder their reputations?
Sun May 30th
3:30pm to 4:30 pm

Legal Briefing
In preparation for Disrupt Land Forces, come along to this legal briefing. We encourage everyone to come along even if you don’t intend to be actively engaged in actions yourself.
Mon 31st
5:30 PM

Weapons Tour
Let’s discover where the main weapons manufacturers in Brisbane are doing their work. We have two buses with 16 seats, or BYO vehicle. This will be an approximately 4 hour tour designed to discover, disrupt and expose the secret business of the arms industry in Brisbane. Depending on your appetites, disruption to business as usual might be on the menu.
Mon May 31st
10am -2pm

Shut Down Land Forces Rally
Brisbane Convention Centre is hosting an exhibition of the latest, cutting edge weaponry and military technology in Brisbane in June.
Weapons companies are vying for a share of $270 Billion of our money. Show up to tell Defense Minister Dutton what you think about him giving our money to weapons companies. Boeing, Thales, Rheinmetall, EOS, Elbit and more are making a killing – exporting terror.
Tues June 1st
7am -12pm

Rally for Latin America
Solidarity activists with Latin America are getting together to denounce militarism and violence against our communities. Nation States, in collaboration with weapons industry partners like Thales (and all those involved in the Land Forces Expo), are attacking human rights and forest defenders and First Nations peoples across Latin America.
Tues June 1st 5pm-7pm

Activist Workshops
All day trainings and workshops in Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA), research skills, legals, community care, theatre, art, banner making, t-shirt printing, dance, percussion.
Come meet the crew, connect up, share a meal and start planning your disruption.
Sat May 29th 10am – 5pm

Arms Dealers in Schools
Elise West from the Medical Association for Prevention of War shows how weapons dealers latch on to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) curricula of our educational institutions. This workshop gives an overview of the Australian experience – plus what you can do about it.
Postponed because of Melbourne lockdown – new time to be advised [was Sat May 29th 10.30-11.30am]

Legal Briefing + Legal Observer training
In preparation for Disrupt Land Forces, come along to this legal briefing. We encourage everyone to come along even if you don’t intend to be actively engaged in actions yourself. Stay for the full session if you’re interested in the role of a legal observer.
Sat May 29th
2:30-4PM Legal Briefing
4-5 PM Legal Observer Training

Disrupt Land Forces Concert
All are welcome.
Sat May 29th, 7pm-12am

The signs of our times – Trails of Blood
Lament for the Victims of War Crimes, War Criminals & Corporations
Sunday morning we will attend a set of corporations that profited from the nazi, fascist Germany. These companies extended the war by creating armaments. They facilitated profiteering by transporting looted goods. Now they ‘pop up’ in Brisbane, major sponsors of the Land Forces weapons expo; major new factories with Qld and Federal subsidies. When we facilitate weapons factories we embed ourselves in genocide and war crimes. And where are these factories located? The aptly named Roberts Smith St, Redbank.
Let’s change the signs of the times. Leaving Yuggera Hall – car pooling – no later than 8.45am. We will have a van and some car share. Join us.
May 30th depart 8:45am

End War, End Warming
Weapons companies are
– stealing funds from climate action
– destroying ecosystems
– contributing massively to emissions
– polluting air, land and sea
– supporting extraction of natural resources- often stolen from First Nations people
Oh, yes and killing people.
Wed June 2nd 7am-7pm

Dinner of Death Parade
While the #WarProfiteers are wining and dining each other – celebrating the massive profits they are going to make from death and destruction, we will have an event of our own…
Bring costume and instruments for a parade around the Dinner of Death.
Wed June 2nd 5-7pm

Smash Patriarchy, Taste the Rainbow
War expresses peak toxic masculinity.
We are its antidote.
Queers, freaks, femmes, carnies, gays, lesbians, trans, nonbinaries, artists, misfits and all who love us: let’s show the war machine how we play. Bring your colours, costumes and your love of life for a fierce and fabulous celebration of the future we are bringing.
We reject the culture of manhood as violence. We know that humans are capable of magnificence. On the last day of Land Forces, we are bringing a carnival of chaos.
Thurs June 3rd 2021 12-4pm

Disrupt Land Forces
Land Forces brings the War Profiteers together in one place at one time, presenting us with a rare opportunity to speak truth to their power.
We bring you our Festival of Resistance.
May 28th – June 3rd 2021

Light the Fire
On Friday 28 May from 5pm – 10pm the Disrupt Land Forces coalition is launching with a fire and First Nations story telling session in Musgrave Park.
All are welcome.
Fri May 28th 5-10pm