Disruptive protest at Brisbane weapons company
10.00 AM Tuesday May 4th
Boeing Head Office, 150 Charlotte St Brisbane
The head office of weapons manufacturer Boeing has been occupied by a West Papuan solidarity group in Brisbane today. Activists have erected a memorial to murdered West Papuan civilians in the arms company’s lobby to commemorate over 30 civilian victims of military violence during 2020-21.
Boeing Apache helicopters are currently strafing villages in the Puncak and Intan Jaya regions of West Papua, after Indonesian President Widodo declared a major offensive against ‘separatists’ in the region. Civilian casualties have yet to be counted. The attacks have caused a refugee crisis, with thousands of Papuans fleeing their homes and farms to escape the Boeing aircraft.
“Wipe them out, we can talk about human rights later” was the injunction given by the head of Indonesia’s parliament, Bambang Soesatyo, on April 26, as the Indonesian parliament declared the ‘OPM’ or Papuan Independence Organisation to be a terrorist group. Additional troops, including Australian trained anti-terrorist D88 forces, are deploying to West Papua daily. Boeing profits from attacks on West Papua through lucrative sales to the Indonesian army, TNI.
Boeing is poised to sell 36 new F15EX fighter jets to Indonesia’s air force after meeting with Indonesia’s Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto in October 2020. The F15EX deal, negotiated after the Trump administration dropped a visa ban against Prabowo, is worth $USD billions to Boeing. Prabowo had been banned from entering the US under legislation prohibiting known war criminals from obtaining visas. Now Defence Minister, Prabowo was once head of the notorious special forces unit Kopassus and stands accused of multiple crimes against humanity.
Activists in Boeing’s Brisbane office are calling on the weapons manufacturer to cancel the deal with TNI, accusing the company of ‘collateral murder’.
Contact: Margaret Pestorius 0403 214 422
Follow the live facebook feed from 10am 4th May 2020
Photos available 4th May 2020 (after the event)
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Boeing is purposefully arming killers who have no regard for human rights.
“Wipe them out. We will discuss human rights matters later.”
Bambang Soesatyo (Indonesian Politician)
#PeacePilgrims #WagePeace #WarProfiteers #MakingAKilling
Join us 28th May to 3rd June to

Boeing is making a killing
Boeing is the second-largest defence contractor in the world Boeing sells Apache and Chinook helicopters, 737 troop transporters F15 ‘counter-insurgency’ fighter jets to the Indonesian air force. Boeing weapons are directly implicated in war crimes against West Papuan people.

Wage Peace at Boeing Brisbane; They are building weaponised drones.
The Wingman is a fighting drone with weaponised and fully autonomous. A LAWS – Lethal Autonomous Weapons System.
Boeing is Out of Control was a disruptive performance art piece for Guitar, Violin, Electric Guitar, Voice and Protest Crowd Collective Voice. Performed by Peace Pilgrims.
Boeing in West Papua
Background images
Boeing chinook ch 47 USA TNI-AU Boeing Apache USA TNI-AU Boeing Apache USA TNI AU Airforce elite Arriving papua Elite airforce Airforce on parade Airforce Combat bases in Biak and Jayapura Airforce Combat bases in Biak and Jayapura On the way to Papua Boeing 737-200 TNI AU credit Ian Lim Boeing B-737 delivers troops to W Papua Feb 21 TNI AU and AD Boeing F15EX USA TNI AU Boeing F15 USA TNI-AU Boeing Aus CEO Brendan Nelson Boeing HQ Chicago Boeing CEO David Calhoun